МОУ "СОШ №41 г. Чебоксары"

Ксенофонтовой Елены Николаевны


What being part of the European Union means today



What being part of the European Union means today



                                                        Автор: Вито Грациано, Италия

          Научный руководитель: Елена Николаевна Ксенофонтова


Consequences of Being Part of the European Union for Some States 



This work focuses on several realities characterizing the European Union, a community of states that nowadays is one of the main protagonists of the world scene. From the economic to the ethical topics, the European Union has contributed to the change of the European member states making it up as well as the conditions of its citizens.

The aims of this work consist in reporting  


  • Why the European Union was created and what was the way that led it to our days.
  • What the European Union represents for its member states today, reporting the common advantages and disadvantages shared by its member states.
  • What EU membership represents for some states taken as examples, thus showing the readers how the conditions of the countries forming the EU vary depending on the single countries’ subjectivity.
  • How the EU expanded eastward, with a detailed paragraph about the relationships between the EU and Russia.
  • What the opinions of the Europeans about the EU are.


This topic has been chosen even because it is very current for it concerns modern times. Today, the actions decided by the EU institutions have influence on the European continent as well as on the rest of the world. Through an accurate study and analysis of the present, it is also possible to make statements about the future, including the ones concerning Russia’s integration with the West. This work has been written by using different sources such as treatises and multimedia material, beyond statistics and maps. Thanks to this wide material, it has been possible to write the work, to analyze the topic and confront some elements concerning it. This work is the result of an accurate practical research; moreover it can be useful for teachers as additional material for lessons as well as for senior students wishing to widen their knowledge about the theme. Furthermore, the author has added to the work his personal opinions about the topic and even compared the conditions of the EU countries he was interested in, such as Italy, Great Britain, Eastern European countries and of course he also introduced his opinions about Russia’s involvement with the European Union.  

 XXIII Городская научно-практическая конференция школьников "Открытия юных"

Вито Грациано, AFS-студент из Италии. II место. 2008г.


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