МОУ "СОШ №41 г. Чебоксары"

Ксенофонтовой Елены Николаевны


Задания для самостоятельных работ


Наличие материала, скаченного с сети Интернет и используемого при проведении уроков и мероприятий:

- демоверсии ЕГЭ;

- материалы из интернет-справочника «Английский язык»;

  - School English;

    - газета для изучающих английский язык;

      - грамматика английского языка;

- курсы английского языка для самостоятельного изучения;

        - компьютерные программы;

- интерактивные тесты (on-line).





1. What is the most popular leisure pastime in Britain?

2. When did the first draw of Britain's National Lottery take place?

3. Name the two most popular destinations in Europe for British tourists?

4. How many overseas visits did British residents make in 1997?

5. How many people make use of public libraries in Britain?





Can You Answer These Questions?


 What masterpieces of architecture in Great Britain do you know?

Who is the "architect of London"?

Which is his best-known crea­tion?

Which styles in architecture prevail in British cities and towns?

In what ways is the history of Great Britain reflected in the archi­tecture of its famous buildings?

 What is the historic value of the Tower of London?

What museum does it house at present?

 What is the tradition associated with the Tower of London?

 Why are the ravens taken care of?

 Why are the British people so proud of W. Shakespeare?

Why do they call him the "Swan of Avon"?

What plays written by Shakespeare do you know?

What prominent English actors do you know?

What kinds of plays does the Royal Shakespeare Company pro­duce?

What do you know about the National Youth Theatre?

What concert halls of London give programmes of classical music?

 Which more recent rock groups do you know?

 What is your opin­ion of them?

What does the bagpipe look like?

What sound does it produce?

What is the British Council?

 What does it organize?




 Do You Know That?


…every year, in summer, thousand of folk music fans arrive in Cam­bridge for one of the biggest festivals of folk music in England? The festival is held in the grounds of an old house, where there is plenty of room for people to put up their tents if they want to stay over­night.

…Walter Scott's Monument in Edinburgh is a graceful Gothic spire 200 ft high which stands in one of Edinburgh's central streets, Princes Street?

…the Irish National Gallery is one of the world's important collec­tions?

…there are over thirty theatres within a square mile in the centre of London?

 …Britain's Polite Society, formed in 1987 to encourage good manners, has named the English town of Shrewsbury, near the Welsh border, and the village of Newton Stewart, in Scotland, as the politest places in Britain?



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